Западно-Каспийский Университет

The Sustanability Research Fund


We assist researchers, research groups and research consortia as well as University units in applying for research funding. We also support the leadership of faculties and other academic units in drawing up strategic plans related to research funding.

Research Funding Services


We provide a wide range of services to applicants for research funding, including

· Sharing information on funding opportunities

· Organizing training and information sessions

· Interpreting funders’ terms

· Supporting the planning of research projects

· Commenting on research plans

· Providing instructions for submitting an application

· Assisting in launching projects

· Assisting in contract negotiations

Research areas

· Climate Change Research

· Sustainability Research

· Water Research

· Ecosystems Research

Research funding can be applied for by individual researchers or the University.

Read also about other research services (business collaboration, legal services, project coordination services, laboratory services, doctoral education services).



· Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis. Note, however, that requests arriving well before the submission deadline will have an increased chance of success.


Submissions - The submission of a concept paper package involves (as a combined pdf document):

1. Filled in one-page application form containing basic information about the project including title, federal funding solicitation information, project leaders/principal investigators, and any public and/or other collaborators

2. A short statement (up to 2 pages maximum) explicitly addressing the 6 review criteria above. Applicants are strongly encouraged to send your papers science@wcu.edu.az Email submissions to science@wcu.edu.az - with the subject heading “WCUSRF matching funds